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Three workers stand at the borehole and hold the stainless steel rod for the hand pump.

Today we installed the hand pump in the borehole. Only stainless steel material was used so that it does not rust and the water always looks fresh and appetising.

After only ten days of construction, the hand pump for the sewing school of Chosen Generation Ministry Uganda and the villagers in Adyaka, Northern Uganda was completed and ready for use. We give thanks to our partner Divine Aid Uganda who have done a great job! During the dry season, there is now enough and clean water available. It does not need to be boiled. This saves firewood and charcoal. Less deforestation is needed. More rain will become groundwater again. Stories Community is Benefitting From The Well Voices on The Project Success Story #1: Apio Joyce DivineAid team had an opportunity to interact with Apio Joyce of Ebut village, Adyaka parish, Agali Sub-county in Lira District. This lady is aged 24 (pumping the well in the picture), married and has 3 children, she said she used to travel a long distance (1km) to collect water and this was usually at the pick of the day where the queue at the water source would be long. So she could stay at the water source till late hours and yet she had to prepare food for the family. This caused conflict between her and her husband which often resulted into physical abuse since the husband was accusing her of staying out with other men till late. She was excited about the new water source that was brought near her home. She believes there will be no more domestic violence since the issue of water was the biggest spark of conflict in her family. She also said that the number of meals prepared in her home will increase from 2 to 3 since they now have enough water to cater for that unlike before. She extended her sincere gratitude to Institute Water for Africa and Divine Waters for the intervention. + Apio Joyce on the hand pump Success Story #2: Aciro Gloria + Aciro Gloria, a 19 year old female from Chosen Generation Training Institute in Ebut village, Adyaka parish, Agali Sub-county in Lira District was extremely happy about the new water source. In an interview with DivineAid staff, she shared her rough experience in the previous time. She said they used to wake up as early as 5:00am to collect water from the nearest water source that was 1km away from their institute since they wanted to avoid the long que and have time to prepare for their studies. She said this was a big risk for them as girls since there are some boys that would take advantage of the situation attempting to rape them. Now that they have the water source near their premises, they do not have any more worries of waking up so early to collect water.She also said that as girls, their hygiene is meant to be paramount, but since water was scarce, it was compromised as some of them would shower only once in a day in a bid to minimize water usage. Now that the water source is near, we shall have enough time to concentrate on our studies and we shall be in position to shower even three times a day given the hot weather and our menstrual hygiene will greatly improve. Great thanks to DivineAid and Institute Water for Africa for the great gift offered to us. Testimonials Thank you for what God has given us. Akite Oliva Adyaka, Uganda I want to thank God for what you have done here. God bless you. Akelo Mercy Adyaka, Uganda We thank you for the borehole. Until now we had to drink dirty water. Akello Lydia Adyaka, Uganda


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
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