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Blue filter pipes lie on the meadow

Today we installed the filter pipes and the gravel filter layer. After that, wells were flushed. Our work was interrupted again and again by heavy downpours; it is just the small

Today we installed the filter pipes and the gravel filter layer. After that, wells were flushed. Our work was repeatedly interrupted by heavy downpours; it is the small rainy season in Kenya right now. After the filter gravel was installed, the borehole was provided with a sanitary sealing. The sand was transported to the construction site by donkey. Finally, the borehole was flushed with compressed air to ensure that all loose rock and soil came out of the borehole. After the well was flushed, all the drilling equipment, such as the hammer drill and drill rods, was loaded back onto the truck. As the ground had become soft due to all the rain, the truck could not get up the meadow. Only when we had shovelled leftover gravel under the rear wheels did it work.


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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