Sustainable water projects in Africa: How we create access to clean water, sanitation and education
"World: Citizens in demand" - Economy
Peter Hofelich (MP), representative of the state government for small and medium-sized businesses and crafts, presented three theses at the beginning of the topic discussion:
"We must develop the contacts between business and civil society!"
"Development policy is an important concern and a vital interest of an export-oriented state like Baden-Württemberg!"
"Baden-Württemberg has an innovative and medium-sized economy. We want to bring these specific strengths into development policy!"
Heiner Wiemer (Oikocredit) stressed that economic cooperation is more sustainable than aid. Dagmar Eisenbach of Hewlett-Packard reported on civic engagement as part of the corporate culture. As an example she mentioned that HP employees have the opportunity to do some of their volunteer work during working hours. "Global citizenship is part of HP's corporate culture. She also encouraged political support for fair trade. At the end of the event, Peter Hofelich (MP) thanked the participants for their contributions. Dr. Regina Fein and Dr. Dieter Heidtmann from the Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll moderated the event.
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