The event was opened by Dr. Gisela Splett MP, State Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Baden-Württemberg and Dr. Karl-Hans Schmid, Stiftung Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (SEZ).

During the 3-hour event, the Burundi meeting also took place.
The state of Baden-Württemberg maintains a partnership with Burundi. Burundi was represented by a delegation. H. E. Laurant Kavakure, Foreign Minister of Burundi, reported on the progress the partnership has brought for his country so far. Representatives of civil society discussed with him new possibilities for cooperation. Dr. Gisela Splett MP and Dr. Ute Heinbuch, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), were available for exchange in the plenary session. Dr. Regina Fein and Dr. Dieter Heidtmann from the Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll moderated the discussion.