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  • Church Now Has Rain barrel

    Rain barrel in front of a church with a corrugated iron roof

    Today we visited the Omugo refugee camp again after half a year. Now the church has a corrugated iron roof with guttering and a 10,000 litre rain barrel instead of a thatched roof.
    On this occasion 48 church leaders from the refugee camp came together and participated in a training. The speaker was Ray Basset from Canada, who came to Uganda at his own expense to support our work.

  • Newsletter July 2022

    Article image Newsletter

    Our new newsletter is out now - with reports from Kenya, our next outreach locations and what we want to tackle afterwards.

  • Follow-up Meeting in Eldoret

    Participants in the treatment of water

    In April we conducted a workshop on water treatment at Eldoret Kids.

    The former workshop participants have now met for a follow-up meeting under the leadership of Jannis Wurster. The participants report a high demand for treated water among the village population. The equipment used to produce sodium hypochlorite is in regular use.

    Sodium hypochlorite is added to contaminated water. It kills viruses and bacteria.


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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