Adi is located in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the triangle of Uganda - Southern Sudan - Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Project is completed Location Adi is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the triangle of three countries: Uganda - South Sudan - Democratic Republic of Congo. The small town is about one hour east of Koboko, Uganda. From there Adi is also supplied with food and merchandise by motorcycle. Population The population in Adi and its surroundings is very poor. The people live from agriculture. But the income is very low, unemployment is high. The majority of the population has to get by on less than $1 a day. What's the problem? A few months after the centrifugal pump was replaced, the aging diesel engine that drives the pump broke down. No water could be pumped from the source to the elevated tank. In the meantime, hospital staff carried 250 to 500 canisters of water a day from the spring to the hospital. Approximately 25 meters of elevation on a distance of about 500 meters. In response to requests from the missionary hospital to the Congolese government, local aid organisations, international associations and relief organisations for a new pump, it has received either no reply or a refusal. The hospital in Adi is dependent on outside help, as the patients are often so poor that they cannot pay the bill for treatment. Everyone who comes and needs help gets help. Sometimes people pay in kind, but this does not buy medicines or pay salaries. Therefore, the hospital cannot finance such expenses as the purchase of spare parts itself. Our Help We bought the original spare parts in Germany, transported them in a suitcase via Uganda to Congo, and repaired the diesel engine. What does the project cost? Das Projekt erforderte einen hohen logistischen Aufwand, da es vor Ort keine Ersatzteile und Pumpen zu kaufen gab. In diesem Fall musste alles, was gebraucht wurde, in Kampala und Arua, Uganda gekauft und nach Adi transportiert werden. Projektkosten: ca. 3700 EuroProject Details
Mission Hospital Adi - Diesel engine repair
- Project completed on: 2016-12-03