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Service Box avec tube filtrant bleu

Nous sommes à Ngenda, au Rwanda, pour faire le point sur leur projet pour l'Abundant Life Church d'Edmonton, au Canada. Un puits a déjà été creusé. Cependant, l'entreprise de forage locale n'a pas fourni de rapports indiquant par exemple la profondeur du forage.

We are in Ngenda, Rwanda, to take stock of their project for Abundant Life Church Edmonton, Canada. A well has already been drilled. However, no reports were provided by the local drilling company showing, for example, the drilling depth. We are now taking all the inventory data, i.e. the coordinates and heights of the various points such as the borehole, school, church, planned tapping point and the point where water is fetched from Lake Cyohoha. We will have a discussion with the drilling company and try to get all the technical reports that the church in Canada needs.


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Allemagne
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