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In the midst of daily challenges, one thing remains unchanged: Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is also the source of our faith.
Jesus gives very practical tips on how life can succeed:


Inspired by Jesus' words that everyone should use their gifts for the good of others, we recognise the special abilities we have been given. It is a call not only to live for ourselves, but also to be there for those around us.

"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me!" These powerful words remind us that every act of kindness, charity and service becomes more important, especially for those who are often overlooked or forgotten.

Jesus lived by this principle, regardless of a person's social status or background. His example motivates us to do the same and do our best to help others.

Fresh water and living water

In water management for the people of Africa, we find a concrete way to put this belief into practice. We are committed to helping those who are often marginalised or forgotten.

Through our commitment, we not only give hope and support to people in Africa, but also show our bond with Jesus Christ. It is a commitment that we fulfil with joy and determination, because ultimately it is about serving others and sharing the love of Jesus.


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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