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This week we received a call for help from missionary friends in Ilakala, South Kivu region, in the Democratic


We are organising a WASH seminar and workshop on water treatment at Eldoret Kids. This is for multipliers from four


The spring, built by church members for the village, has served the area for generations. Due to population growth,


The village of Adyangowe is located in former LRA rebel territory. The civil war destroyed the basic infrastructure, traditional


In the north and north-east of Uganda, the aftermath of two decades of civil war between rebels and government troops has


The sewing school for disadvantaged women urgently needs a hand pump. The collected rainwater is not sufficient in the


During the COVID-19 disaster, hygiene is more important than ever. Hygiene without water is not possible. With your


The town water in Nyankumbu village is contaminated with typhoid fever despite chlorination. We have built a water


Das Goldgräberdorf Lwamgasa liegt in der Region Geita. Dort wird Goldabbau auch im großen Stil betrieben.

Adi is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the triangle of Uganda - South Sudan -



Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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