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An Important Task

Sufficient clean water and good hygiene are the prerequisites for good living conditions. Diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera and typhoid can be avoided. Nevertheless, about 2.2 million people die from these diseases every year.

The lack of rain repeatedly threatens the harvest. The distances to the next watering place are often long and dangerous.

For us, this is a call to take remedial action.

Three African women standing next to each other with yellow water canisters on their heads

Competent And Experienced

The founder of IWFA, M.Eng. Jürgen Baisch, is an expert for development aid projects in the field of hydraulic engineering.

After his training as a hydraulic engineer he followed his passion: to improve the living conditions in Africa. So he completed his studies in water resources management and agricultural engineering, followed by postgraduate studies in water resources management in the tropics and subtropics.
Since then he has gained a wealth of experience in various countries.

Cooperation - a European talks to a Congolese man

A Good Solution

For us, water-related problems are a challenge that we rise to. We do not pull ready-made recipes out of our pockets: we rely on adapted technologies and methods. A solution is good if it fits the people and the local conditions.

At the same time, we pay attention to the high quality of materials and workmanship, so that people benefit in the long term. In this way, we ensure that the project can continue to function for years to come.

A man holds a water scale on the steel part

Calling And Mission

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Jesus says this because he cares about people. He has lived according to this, without regard for the person.

We follow his example. We work in development aid for the people in Africa, who are often behind or forgotten.

We give our best. For the people. For Jesus Christ.

Africans sitting together on the floor in a church


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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Evangelische Bank eG
DE76 5206 0410 0005 0240 13


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