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After two weeks of work, the solar pump and the solar system were ceremonially inaugurated today and handed over to the Adi Missionary Hospital. In addition, the fittings and pipes on the old pump house were replaced. Now automatic operation of the solar pump and the centrifugal pump is possible.

The new main water pipe between the underground and elevated tanks is made of HDPE DN40. The solar pump is a GRUNDFOS SQF. It pumps when the sun is shining and there is enough water in the deep tank. It switches off automatically when the water level in the deep tank is low and switches on again as soon as the water level is high enough. The centrifugal pump can be used during the rainy season and at night. In addition, the old PVC pipe between the spring catchment and the deep tank was replaced by pipes made of HDPE DN40 and newly laid. As a result, more water now reaches the deep tank. In total, the expansion and renewal of the water supply system has resulted in about 50% more water being available per day; in the dry season, a total of about 15,000 litres per day. + + + + +


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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