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After yesterday's visit to Rukaramu, it was clear to me that I could not put the population off until the necessary donations arrived. After all, there is at least one Moringa tree in the village. But nobody knows what potential it has.

Therefore, this morning there was a demonstration of water treatment with Moringa oleifera that lasted until the evening. I brought some seeds of the tree from Germany just in case. The villagers were very impressed how quickly water can be cleaned and disinfected with the seeds of the tree. After the demonstration the villagers had many questions about the use of the tree's components. Now the people of Rukaramu are eagerly waiting for a project in which moringa trees will be planted on a large scale and hygiene trainings will take place in the school and in the village. Water treatment with Moringa in fast motion Wasseraufbereitung mit Moringa in Zeitraffer


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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