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Bed with mosquito net

Today is Sunday. Unfortunately, we had to leave for Kasenda again at 1 pm. There was still time to watch the online service, then we were off. The journey took longer than expected. Curfew is at 9 pm

and it was already 10 pm when we realised that the route was wrong. We were already in Fort Portal, but couldn't find the turnoff to Fort Portal, despite OpenStreetMap. In between, the smartphone battery also gave up the ghost. Fortunately, we still had a half-full power bank with us. But it's better not to be out and about at this time of day. After a long search in the dark, we got 3 rooms for 10 euros each in a guest house in Fort Portal. Tomorrow morning at 7.30 we will go on to the to have breakfast somewhere. Then look for the way to Kasenda. In daylight it's no problem.


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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