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Invitations were issued by the Ministry of State Baden-Württemberg and the Evangelical Academy Bad Boll. About 350 citizens took part in the event.

In a panel discussion on the topic "Dialogue is encounter at eye level", Dr. Erhard Eppler, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation a. D., Eva Hosemann, Director of the Rampe Theatre in Stuttgart, Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo, Centre for African Studies at the University of Basel, Stephan Bruckmeier, Head of the Kenya Art Project and Roland Beinroth, Managing Director of Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH, exchanged views on what they hope for from the "World: Citizens in demand" series of events.
The round was moderated by Dr. Dieter Heidtmann from the Evangelical Academy Bad Boll. The event offered the opportunity to participate in one of four workshops. In the workshops, suggestions were discussed and collected, which should guide the future development policy of Baden-Württemberg. The theme of the four workshops was North-South-Partnerships Image and Science Economy / Fair Trade Ecological Sustainability The participants of each workshop elected a delegate for the assembly of delegates on 07.07.12 in Karlsruhe. From the workshop "Ecological Sustainability" Jürgen Baisch was elected delegate.


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