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It has been in existence since 1981 - World Food Day or also known as World Hunger Day. It is intended to commemorate the founding of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) as part of the UN. Officially it is a day of commemoration.

With over a billion people suffering from hunger, it is high time to turn this day of remembrance into a day of action. About every 3 seconds a person dies of hunger. That is about 24,000 people a day. They die because they have too little food and no clean drinking water. The motto of today's World Food Day is "Sustainable nutrition through nature-compatible agriculture". In Germany and elsewhere, more and more agricultural land is being used to produce biofuel. This has nothing to do with sustainable nutrition through nature-compatible agriculture. With this in mind, it would be good if Germany would refrain from producing biofuel. The majority of the population has decided against this morally reprehensible type of fuel. The introduction of E10 was a flop.


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
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