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  • Project completed on: 2017-12-05

Adi is located in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the triangle of Uganda - South Sudan - Democratic Republic of the Congo

Project is completed Location Adi is located in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the triangle of three countries: Uganda - South Sudan - Democratic Republic of Congo. The small town is about one hour east of Koboko, Uganda. From there Adi is also supplied with food and merchandise by motorcycle. Population The population in Adi and its surroundings is very poor. The people live from agriculture. But the income is very low, unemployment is high. The majority of the population has to get by on less than $1 a day. What's the problem? The Adi hospital has had a functioning centrifugal pump again since 2015. In 2016 we repaired the diesel engine that drives the centrifugal pump. For this purpose we bought original spare parts in Germany and took them with us in our suitcase. The water supply of the hospital is still in a very bad condition. In addition, the piping is not very useful and therefore the pressure losses are extremely high. The following sub-projects are to be carried out this year: Purchase of a solar pump and material for it Purchase of a solar system and materials Replacement of the main water pipe Conversion of the supply network Installation of wash basins in all rooms of the hospital Construction of a sewage disposal system Construction of a guard house at the pumping station Renovation of the deep tank The hospital in Adi is dependent on outside help, as patients are often so poor that they cannot pay the bill for treatment. Anyone who comes and needs help will get help. Sometimes people pay in kind, but it is not enough to buy medicines or pay salaries. Therefore the hospital cannot finance such expenses like a new pump. Our Help We bought the original spare parts in Germany, transported them in a suitcase via Uganda to Congo, and repaired the diesel engine.


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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