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  • Project completed on: 2015-11-03

The small village of Chingoni lies to the west not far from Linthipe, at the foot of the Chongoni Mountains. It belongs to the Central Region in Malawi.

Project is completed Location The small village of Chingoni lies to the west not far from Linthipe, at the foot of the Chongoni Mountains. It belongs to the Central Region in Malawi. Population The population lives mainly from agriculture, there are no other employment opportunities in the region. Many live below the subsistence level and have to get by on less than $1 a day. What's the problem? The water supply of the large conference centre is unreliable because it is dilapidated. It has also supplied water to people living nearby. There is a spring in the forest, which has a sufficient flow. To use this water was difficult, because it was a few hundred meters uphill (25 meters altitude) and was overgrown with grass and reeds. This water is so clean that it can be drunk without boiling. Our Help Together with the people from anamed Malawi we built a spring tapping made of local natural stones and laid a 300m long water pipe made of HDPE to the anamed center. We also built three taps where water can now be fetched. Beneficiaries are the local population and the anamed Center. It can now enlarge its teaching garden with medicinal plants.anamed stands for "Action Natural Medicine in the Tropics". anamed Malawi trains the local population in the cultivation of tropical medicinal plants and their use in various diseases, e.g. malaria, diarrhoea, AIDS and cancer. What does the project cost? The material for the water pipe had to be transported from Lilongwe to the project site. Cement and sand for the concrete were purchased locally. Project costs: approx. 1100 Euro


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
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71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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