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  • Project completed on: 2014-04-11

The village of Rukaramu (03° 18' 43'' S 029° 17' 27'' E) is located in sight of the international airport of Bujumbura in a lowland plain.

Project is completed Location The village of Rukaramu (03° 18' 43'' S 029° 17' 27'' E) is located in sight of the international airport of Bujumbura in a lowland plain. It consists of 150 houses built by the government. In each of them lives a family with an average of six family members. Each house has a small piece of land that can be used as a garden. Population The families are returnees from Tanzania who fled there during the civil war in Burundi. The population works as day labourers in the neighbouring rice field. The average daily income of a family is about 3,000 Fbu (approx. 1.50 Euro). Sometimes there is also no work. Rukaramu has about 800 inhabitants. What's the problem? Years ago, a company drilled a well that supplied the village with clean water. For some time now, the system has been defective and is not being repaired by anyone. Since then, the population has been drinking the dirty brown water, which comes from a river and also serves as irrigation water for the rice field. The water is seldom boiled because the way to get firewood is very long. Charcoal is very expensive and is therefore only used for cooking. Our Help The dirty water, which flows through the village in an irrigation ditch, can be easily cleaned. Very sporadically the moringa tree (Moringa oleifera) grows in Rukaramu, whose seeds can be used for water purification. During the first meeting with the village chief it turned out that the population does not know what potential this tree has. Our program: Educating the population about the potential of the moringa tree Planting of 4 Moringa trees per family Lessons in the village school on drinking water and hygiene Training of the village community on drinking water and hygiene What does the project cost? For domestic water treatment a family needs a 20-litre bucket with lid and a sealable 250 ml container. With a donation of: 1 Euro you finance a sealable 250ml plastic container for a family 6 Euro you finance a 20 litre bucket with lid for a family 10 Euro finance 150 Moringa oleifera seeds Project costs: 2.000 Euro


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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