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The invitation was accepted by 22 ambassadors of African states and representatives of non-governmental organizations such as the German Foundation for World Population and the Institute Water for Africa.

One example was used to present the successful water kiosk concept as a model for a water supply in Zambia.

An example was used to present the successful water kiosk concept as a model for a water supply in Zambia. The representative of KfW Entwicklungsbank emphasised that consumers must be made aware that although they get water for free they have to pay for the maintenance of the supply facilities. He cited the comparatively high water losses, in some cases over 50 %. Consumers currently only pay for about 30% of production costs. The Institute Water for Africa is of the opinion that rural areas should not be neglected. Otherwise there will be an increased rural exodus, which will lead to slum formation in the cities. A functioning water supply and sanitation system in rural areas also ensures that the growing demand for food can be met through agriculture.


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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