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Village scene

The village of Kasenda, about 30 minutes south of Fort Portal, lies on the edge of Kabale National Park. There has been no further development in the village for at least 15 years.
About 5,500

inhabitants live there without a water supply. They get their water from the Ruigo River, which flows through the village, and from the volcanic craters. The water of the Ruigo River is contaminated with typhoid and schistosomiasis lurks in the shore area of the crater lakes. If the finances are available, we plan to lay a water pipe to two schools and to the clinic in Kasenda. Standpipes are to be built at various places in the village so that the daily walk to fetch water is not so far. The spring catchment on the mountain already supplies water to a school and a mosque in Kasenda. The owner of the mountain has offered to provide the water from the spring catchment for the village if IWFA pays for the pipelines. He is providing the workers free of charge. In addition to hydro-geological investigations in three places, we have visited a spring catchment on a mountain. The result of the hydro-geological investigation shows that drilling for groundwater does not lead to the goal. +


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
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