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The final event of the Development Policy Dialogue, which began on 14 April this year with a kick-off event at the FAIR HANDELN trade fair, took place today at 10.00 a.m. in the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg.

In the entrance area of the state parliament, development policy actors in the state presented themselves with information stands. The closing event started with a fair fashion show by Weltladen Esslingen. In the plenary hall, Peter Friedrich, Minister for Federal Council, Europe and International Affairs, expressed his thanks with the words: "Today's final conference is the culmination of an intensive dialogue process on development policy. At the beginning of the year, we called on all citizens involved in development policy to contribute their expertise, experiences and ideas. From these many suggestions, a panel of experts has now formulated a proposal for the country's new development policy guidelines. As the initiator of this civil dialogue on development policy, I would like to thank all those who have participated constructively in it. We have received important impulses from the actors, which we are now taking up, coherently implementing and jointly bringing to life". Bishop Dr. h.c. Frank Otfried July advocates that the results be put into practice. "The dialogue is good - now it is important to translate its results into verifiable government action in our rich country." said the bishop of the province. Minister Friedrich emphasised that development policy in Baden-Württemberg is a joint task, which is also supported above all by the professional know-how of civil society, the citizens. "An appropriate say in this matter is indispensable. State funds should support and promote this commitment, not replace it". Finally, the expert advisory board presented the proposals for the guidelines and the proposals for action to the responsible persons of the state parliament factions.


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