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Achieving Great Things Together

A lorry fully loaded with people on top has a lot of list to the left

Anyone who does not believe in miracles is not a realist.

There are many ways to become a water bearer for the people of Africa. Contribute your talents and opportunities. Become part of our missions at home and abroad. Together, many things are possible. Join in!

Everyone should serve others with the gifts that God has given them. If you use God's many gifts in this way, you are using them correctly.

Start Your Fundraising Campaign for IWFA

Be Creative and Collect Donations in Unconventional Ways!

Would you like to help support the project ‘Field irrigation against famine - drought in Chideza/Zambia’project ‘Field irrigation against famine - drought in Chideza/Zambia’? Register a fundraising campaign at now! Use the practical online tool from our partner betterplace to invite friends, guests and customers to support you. Your donations will be forwarded securely to Institute Water for Africa.

Your fundraising campaign can take many forms. Here are some examples:

  • Charity concert: Organise a concert in your community and ask visitors for donations for the project.
  • Sporting event: Plan a charity run, a football tournament or a bike ride and motivate friends and family to support you.
  • Creative workshops: Offer workshops where participants can make creative things and ask for donations as a participation fee.
  • Sales promotions: Sell homemade products such as cakes, handicrafts or second-hand items and donate the proceeds.
  • Online donation collection: Use social media and other online platforms to collect donations for your campaign and spread the word.
  • Birthday: You already have everything and don't need any presents? Ask your friends for a donation for our project.
  • Anniversary: Is your company celebrating its anniversary?

The possibilities are endless!


Institute Water for Africa e.V.
Silcherstr. 74
71384 Weinstadt, Germany
write us

Donations Account

Evangelische Bank eG
DE76 5206 0410 0005 0240 13


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