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As a non-profit organisation, we are dedicated to the vital mission of bringing clean water to the poorest of the poor in Africa.
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Over the Christmas period, we managed to cover over 50% of the project costs for our irrigation project to combat famine in Zambia. Many thanks to everyone who has already donated! But we haven't reached our goal yet: 12,000 euros of a total of 25,000 euros are still missing.
How much are you spending on fireworks tonight? Imagine if you donated just 10% of that - you'd be giving a family a piece of irrigated land and the opportunity to sustainably secure their lives. A contribution that has a long-lasting effect and leaves a really good feeling.
Help turn sparks into hope! Your help counts
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In Zambia, one well changes everything: with a flow rate of 11,050 litres per hour, it opens up new prospects for the irrigation of five hectares of land. But further measures are needed to realise this potential.
Find out how this success came about and how you can help make the next steps possible.
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In our latest newsletter, we report on how we secured the water supply for a bush clinic and a school in Zambia. Learn more about our plans for a new irrigation project that aims to bring hope to drought-stricken regions in Zambia. Subscribe now to stay informed about our sustainable development projects and see how your support makes a difference.
Here you can download the newsletter.
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Weltladen Loffenau has made a generous donation of 2,300 euros to the non-profit organisation Institute Water for Africa (IWFA). The donation supports an important irrigation project in Zambia, which is fighting the threat of famine in the region. The implementation of sustainable irrigation systems is intended to safeguard agricultural production and improve food security.
The initiative aims to stabilise living conditions in Zambia in the long term and support the local population in the fight against the food crisis. Weltladen Loffenau's contribution is an important step towards promoting sustainable agriculture and strengthening resilience to environmental crises and climate change.
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Zambia's government has declared a state of emergency due to the exceptional drought. We were there ourselves from March to April and were able to see for ourselves.
December to March is the rainy season.
However, it has hardly rained at all. The east of the country has been hit hard. Many arable areas have dried out, the soil is hard and difficult to cultivate with a hoe. The lack of water is not only threatening the small farmers in the villages. Residents in the cities are also noticing this: the electricity is cut off for around eight hours a day. The majority of electricity in Zambia is generated using hydropower.
The drought is making food scarcer. As a result, food prices are rising and this is fuelling inflation. Fewer and fewer people are able to buy food on the market. They are dependent on growing their own.
During a visit to the small village of Chideza, we saw with our own eyes what this drought means and also listened to the people: ‘This time, people are likely to die,’ said the nurse. We have therefore launched an irrigation project in Chideza.
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Today we were in Mulungwe in the Mkushi District in Zambia. The Bethel Christian Centre (BCC) free church in Lusaka asked us if we could find out where it is worth drilling for groundwater on their site in Mulungwe.
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Today we visited the Omugo refugee camp again after half a year. Now the church has a corrugated iron roof with guttering and a 10,000 litre rain barrel instead of a thatched roof.
On this occasion 48 church leaders from the refugee camp came together and participated in a training. The speaker was Ray Basset from Canada, who came to Uganda at his own expense to support our work.
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Our new newsletter is out now - with reports from Kenya, our next outreach locations and what we want to tackle afterwards.
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In April we conducted a workshop on water treatment at Eldoret Kids.
The former workshop participants have now met for a follow-up meeting under the leadership of Jannis Wurster. The participants report a high demand for treated water among the village population. The equipment used to produce sodium hypochlorite is in regular use.
Sodium hypochlorite is added to contaminated water. It kills viruses and bacteria.
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